Uwaga! Znajdujesz się na archiwalnej stronie Fundacji Kocia Mama. Aktualna strona znajduje się pod adresem www.kociamama.pl


My name is Iza Milinska. I am glad you have visited the KOCIA MAMA website!

Our Foundation owes its origin to the people I’ve met while taking care of homeless cats. They are all people with a great sensibility to the suffering of homeless cats that are chased from backyards and wandering, hungry or sick.

The name of Foundation, standing in Polish for ‘CAT’S MUM’, is not accidental. Sometimes we are delivered kittens which are very sick, frightened, and only a couple of days old. Then, just like their own mothers would, we take care of them, by stroking, nursing or providing them with medicines. We get up in the middle of the night to feed them, we fight for every cat life, no matter how frail it is. We show them they can trust people, and, like mothers, we are proud when these kittens grow up and find their new homes.
When injured cats receive love from their new families, which are sick and with no chance of survival otherwise recover and regain their vigor in our homes, we cannot stop our tears, and our hearts fill up with proud so that nobody remembers those sleepless nights and days full of fear we had to go through.
KOCIA MAMA is a non-profit foundation. Helps to solve any kind of problem which deals with cats.We would not be able to do it without the unconditional support of our group members and this is why we ask for help. If you decide to support us ,it is always up to you in what way you help our cause we would be grateful for any gesture. We continually appeal to all the people with big hearts for support, We have also opened a bank account if you would like to donate some money for our cats in need.

We really believe in people of good will;

Naprawde wierzymy w ludzi dobrej woli